February 13, 2024 DMA Training

Here is the Feb 13th, 2024, Digital Maestro Academy training session with special guests from the Ultimate Blog Challenge!

00:00 Welcome
03:03 Upcoming training schedule
04:56 Current WordPress vulnerabilities
10:23 Website name change explained
13:05 > Documenting steps in changing domain name
23:27 New site build walk through
28:23 Hosting issue explained
35:53 Redirecting domain explained
48:32 Meta description explained
57:22 Goodbye

Raw Transcript:
All right. Here we go. We are live. Good evening, everybody. Welcome to the February thirteenth edition of the Digital Maestro Academy. Let me share my screen so everybody can see.


you should be able to see the screen now. So in the chat, if you could just let me know if you can hear me, and that you can see things.

Keep looking to decide. That’s where all the zoom settings are. So let me just bring up the chat over there.

I’ll be able to save me.

Hmm. alright, thanks, Alice. Welcome, Virginia, Steve.

Okay, alright. So, as I said, welcome to the digit, my store academy. It’s February thirteenth. Happy Valentine’s Day eve for those of you who celebrate that

got a bunch of questions that came in. So I will be

put them in the the Powerpoint. Or actually, this is Google slides. Put them in the slides here. If anybody’s any questions as we’re going over things as I’m explaining something.

Oh, Lord knows I don’t always do a great job of explain anything. So if you have any questions as I’m going through things. Feel free. Just type them into the the chat box, and I’ll be kind of checking over there.

It’s better to do it as I’m going through as opposed to at the end, when

you know. Just be a lot easier in real time like that. And yes, this is live so

alright. So without further ado, let’s move on. What are we gonna be coming tonight? Well, in the Academy you have the questions, and hopefully, I’ve got some answers. I don’t have the answers. I’ll certainly research it enough so that we get you the information that you need

again. Anything that comes up now.

Even if it’s not something I’m talking about. If you didn’t have a chance to submit a question, feel free to to let me know, and I’ll try to squeeze it in. That’s the real reason why I put it. The slides together is just a you know. Somebody

takes faster action if you will, or somebody wants to submit a question. We’ll put that in and make sure that that gets covered, and then time allowing we’ll go through everything else.

Alright, so welcome. Ultimate blog challengers. Thanks for coming out. The challenge is not currently going. It was a successful one, at least, I think it was in January last month we’ll start up again in April. But

you know, as the email said, things are going crazy. And I just thought, I want to do this.

So we’ve got the free training for those of you. And as I mentioned, there’s a special offer coming tonight. If you’re not a member, and you think you want to be become a member?

Alright. So with that said, Here’s the upcoming dates.

Honestly, this is not all them. So let me just drag over.

Where where is it? Here we go. I guess.

So this is the academy.digitmeister.com. Here’s the upcoming schedule.

and you can actually see, we’ve got everything scheduled out for the year. So for the most part these dates are solid. The only reason why they would change is if something comes up

and there’s an event that I’m traveling at, and I can’t make it to to one of these times. or you can see we normally need the second Tuesday, and the fourth Wednesday

1127. I don’t know if that’s the fourth Wednesday.

If it is, we might. This this might be changed, because the fourth Wednesday is before Thanksgiving here in the Us. And that’s typically a bad day for for a lot of people.

So as you can see. At least we’ve got February through March, April.

Like these are the dates that will be meaning. Everything also gets recorded for Academy members.

And so I just take a look at that. If we go back here kind of me you can see all the trainings that we’ve ever done.

Change the icons a little bit go all the way back.

How far did we go back

to 2013?

So there’s lots and lots of training in here depending on what you’re looking for. Okay?

Alright, but regardless. Second Tuesday we meet in the evenings 8 Pm. Eastern, and on Wednesdays meet on the fourth Wednesday at lunchtime again in the Eastern

on the Eastern time zone.

Okay. So if you have any questions about that, you can either log in check out the schedule, or

alright, as we always go through vulnerabilities. Most vulnerable

emails that came out is as of February seventh.

which was last week, because they come out on Wednesdays. So the within that past week

this is going back from 2 weeks to last week a hundred 58 new vulnerabilities were discovered in WordPress.

One of them was actually in core, which it plugged or they’ve released released another security update. There was a theme, and then a hundred 56 issues with vulnerable security

issues. And

and as of last week 37 of them remain unpatched. So I was flipping through this as I was putting this slide together.

and I noticed, you know. So please kind of scroll down here. We can see that there was. We’ll start out with core

the system down here. But so the vulnerability in WordPress core was patch. So make sure you’re running at least 6.4 point 3.

So that was patch.

And then, as we go through these, these are

vulnerability plugins that were not patched.

and so 119 or more. But we’re gonna go look at the first 37. And again, this is an old list.

And I know that because we were actually running or we are running, you see a photo gallery gallery field on one of our sites, and I remember when I got the notice saying, Oh, it’s vulnerable!

So as of last week, it wasn’t patched. So when I found that out, I actually went to

the developers through the WordPress Repository actually do that


And here we go, plugins. and if we search for the Plugin acf, photo gallery field. and so here it is.

So this is before it was Patch before anything’s happened, and I clicked on support.

And anybody can do this. I’m nobody special, and you can see. 4 days ago this was started by me, Pete Gilbert. so I just simply came here, and I said, Hey. Patch, stack is supporting a vulnerability with the Plugin.

and I give them the information, and I gave them the actual link to pat Stack, which is a service that is helping out with all these vulnerabilities. Detecting.

So it shows that it was detected.

so gave them a link to show them this.


and let’s be back.

So I said, There’s an issue. Can you let me know when there’s an et for this fix. and then somebody else chimed in and got the same message. Great Plugin keeps up the work. So then, the developer, the author said, is contacting and doing the reply.

So that was over 7 days ago. one week, 3 days. So 10 days ago, at this point.

so then, 5 days later, I checked in, said, Hey, any update? Should we find a solution? Another solution? Because I don’t want this plugin if it’s going to be vulnerable. But I give it some time.

and came back and said, he’s able to get the report is going to be released this weekend.

Thanks. Look forward to the update. And then it was resolved. So we are now up to date. So that’s just an easier way, or a nice way to reach out and find out. Now, if this was something that there was no

you know, without knowing what was happening, you certainly don’t want to keep track or have a vulnerable Plugin. That’s on your site.

right? Because then the hackers can get in. Bad things can happen. So I just like to check. You know, it’s a good thing I did, because in this case the developer wasn’t even. He seems like he didn’t know about it.


it’s not done with mean and Mal and Ted, trying things, just rushing and finding out. So

I was happy to do that. Hmm. so take a look at this. I’ll put this in the chat this is. And remember, this is the old one. What you should do is.

yeah. Yeah.

you can.

Oh, my, I didn’t want to give this one. I wanted to give. Yeah, this is the right one. This is solid Wp.

they come out with this every week. So if you wanted to, you could scroll to the bottom and subscribe someplace, probably. Here we go subscribe and you’ll get the email. It says, here all the plugins

and are vulnerable. So these were patched. These weren’t.

And when you go through with this, remember, always take a backup of your website first. in case something happens and the update doesn’t work for, for whatever reason. Hmm.

alright. So remember it comes down on Wednesday. So just check each week.

You have any question about that type of chat, and let me know.

Okay. alright. So moving on first question that came in. This was a good one.

I know this is a crazy question, possibly one I’ve asked before, but how hard is it to change? And she gave the website name to another name. So basically, what this person was asking was, I have a domain name. Let’s just say it’s domain.com. She wants to change it to 1, 2, 3 abc.com.

And how hard is it to do that? And the answer is.

if we answer this literally the way it is, it is impossible. You cannot simply change

a domain. Name

right? It it. Things don’t work that way. So what has to be done? If you wake up one day, you know what I want to change the name of my website to something else. Well, then, what we have to do is you actually have to set up a new website with that new domain.

And then you actually have to copy it over and change all of the links. From ABC, 1, 2, 3, to make it 1, 2, 3 ABC. Have to change all of those things. So let’s

if I was thinking I could have planned things out a little bit better.

Let me just take a look here.


Oh, and I was using our test site here, let me use that one.

Sorry about this. About 9 1


Alright. So

one last thing to check.

So we have to

alright. So while kind of waiting on this, let me do this.

let’s open up a new document here. Just kind of list some things out.

Yeah. So I’m going to call this and put it in quotes. change the domain name. And because again, we’re not, we’re not really changing the domain.


okay, I have fantasy. Sorry about this. I found a website we can use

alright. So if we want to change a domain name.

let’s make this move back here.

What do we need to do to flexible one is we need to have a new domain name

the destination of where this is going. So we have to have a new domain.

Right? So once we have that new domain, name And for this example, as I said, I found the site that we can use.

This is sort of a development test site.

if we can get this here

so much security.

But we’re we’re going. We have a new domain name, and we need to copy the

old site onto the new. Hmm

hosting, and it has to obviously be posted someplace.

And so, Nope.

I can see it

authenticated. I have to get the email code. I have to do so many things. all in the name of safety

while that’s coming through.

Now, when we just copy everything from the old site onto new site. So in this case. say, the old site is going to be



eating out.com. So if you wanted to, you can actually go to spotlight eating out.com now. and I’ll bring it up as I logged in here because I got that specific code.


skip on this.

And this is a development site that we started to work on. I think I’ve showed this maybe last week last time or 2 weeks ago. Okay.

so you see, we have a site here. For this. So we’re going to want to

take this site

and move it onto a new site

like this.

But all of these links. So it’s easy. One is if you go to about us. When we go to the about us, you’ll see that it has spotlighting out.com slash about us.

If we look at the contact page. It’s going to be spotlighting app.com contact us. So if we literally take this contents of this site and we move it to a new site. It’s going to have all of these same links and some of these same. Url.

so we can’t do that. You can’t simply copy it over. So what we have to do is we have to then

change all the links

from the old.

Say, Yeah, URL

to the news

site. Yeah. URL, hmm.

so what this means is we need to find a way that we can easily

changes. Now we can do that. There’s plugins called. Better search and replace. There’s some plugins or different solutions. When we copy them over. In this case we can always use something like backup buddy. I’ve demonstrated that before you can use all in all. The all. The one backup

updraft is another backup that can change the names, and it makes it nice and easy to do this.

Hmm! So once you have that.

then the site is going to be able to be on this new domain. Hmm! Now, if that’s all you wanted, we would be done there. Okay, so I’m going to put

all of this is oops.

Oh, sorry about that. I can make this bigger sure

the scheme.


dismiss this

was that better? That’s big for me, too. So you should be definitely able to see that. Okay.

this is easily done with

backup buttons

back. Everybody is a premium plugin. There’s also

updraft. Now up the problem with updraft is, there’s a free version and a premium version. The free version will not do all the changing of it.

You’ll have to do that manually. Umhm. so I’ll just say, upd slash an editor

and a tour. If you want free or the premium

version of updraft.

pretty sure it’s upper tasting in the neck. Let’s find out


Oh, no, it’s not updat just updraft plus is the premium one.


And normally, don’t use update. That’s why I don’t know.


yeah. So that’s what you can do.

So as I started to say, doing this is the minimum. The above is minimum

to do that change if you will. Now, here’s what one of the problems is going to be

alright. So if we said.

I never said what the let’s do this A. B, we’ll save the new site and

free weeklytraining.com. It doesn’t make sense that we’re moving spotlight eating out to this. But let’s say, that’s what we want to do. And now there may be

links out there that people have for spotlight eating out. Maybe somebody bookmark it. Or maybe if you go to Google

and you do a search and pages come up. Google’s going to send you to the old site.

So I’ll call this extra credit.

And really, this is something that you want to do

alright. So it goes beyond the question of Oh, I just want to change the name.

Extra credit is to redirect all the old

links to the new links.

So meaning. If anytime somebody goes to spotlight ending outcom, it’s automatically gonna take them to free weekly training.com. What they go to spotlighting at.com slash contact, it automatically brings them to free weeklyttraining.com slash contact.

Or if there’s any other pages on here or any other blog post, or you know anything else. Any other Urls, you want to do that redirect. So we’re sort of keeping spotlight eating out.com alive a little bit, if you will

so that we can do that transfer.

Now, when I say we’re keeping it alive, you know, once we do all of this, you’re not going to have to hold on to that hosting for spotlight eating out. You could do this redirect

over at your registrar where you registered the name spotlight eating out.

and you can do a whole redirect so that anytime somebody goes to basically spotlight out

spotlight eating out.com slash anything.

It automatically redirects it to free weektraining.com slash anything whatever. They try to get to a spotlight evening out. It’s going to automatically get redirected to that.

Hmm. so does that make sense.

Hmm. so maybe next time we can, actually, we will get into a chance.

If if it’s wanted. If you want to see this, we can actually do this, let me know. Okay, so I just want to explain all of this first.


I can have it ready with the right domains and have it ready, so I can really show you instead of

figuring it and fudging it along. Hmm. but this is what we would do.

Okay, I see. Good glad it worked or answered your question.

All right. So next up

do do

new site build.

Do you ever start a site from scratch and build it out with a group. I would like to learn how you do a full site. Thanks. So we actually did. I? Well, let me back to being one once upon a time, even before the Academy. So we saw the Academy goes back to 2013. I used to have, of course, that I ran called.

I don’t remember what the official name was, but it was something like. Build build a website in 8 weeks.

And it was almost like the Academy, but we met every for 2 months one night, a week for a couple of hours, and did everything from scoop to nuts, from scratch to final product of going through and building a website. And it was all inclusive of

getting a a website name. So registering the domain name, getting hosting, creating that account, hooking them together, installing a theme, installing the plugins, figuring out what we wanted to writing, content, writing, creating a new post, creating a new page. It was literally for people. I had no idea how to do anything with WordPress, and by the end of the course, at the end of the 2 months

the website was up and running. There was content on it as long as people were following along, and there was even a product that people could sell.

So people literally were making money by the end of the course. And so that was a full course separate from the Academy.

And people enjoyed that

since then

we launched the Academy. It was more question, answer, kind of thing. But there have been all kinds of bits and pieces of this. So if you searched in the in the site, you could see we talked about building a website from Scratch installing WordPress and not just the one click, but really doing it when I call the correct way. So it’s nice and clean. We don’t get any extra plugins. There’s no extra garbage that some hosting company has to add, or anything like that.

There’s plenty of training that we talk about using different themes and one theme versus another. But

we’ve never used the Academy solely to build a site from scratch and build it up, and have, you know, everything done?

Could we do that? We could.

I think. The only problem as I think of this is that when people submit questions, that’s really what we’re designed to do.

So I think you know, what if we were to do something like this.

so we could say that on the next time we meet, let’s start and create a brand new site from scratch and show you how we do that.

But it’s only after we get to people’s questions. So if anybody submits questions, that’s kind of the number one thing. So we can go through all the questions. And let’s say it’s an easy, slow night for questions.

right? Hypothetically. Let’s say somebody. There’s only 2 questions, and we get through that in 15 min. Well, then, the rest of the time. 45 min, we can say, Okay, now, let’s build a website so we can start and do that for 45 min. Then the next time we get together, people know that we’re building a site. So maybe there’s only one question.

And so we answer that question, kind of get it out of the way.

and then use the rest of the time to build a site.

If the following time, you know, there’s 8 questions, because I don’t know there’s a lot something going on.

Well, maybe we spend the entire time answering those 8 questions. and there’s no time to build a site.

So we could either. Yeah, so that’s one thing. And then I just had the thought, well, what if I just added extra training where we just build this? I don’t know if everybody would come or or what. But that’s something to think about.

So here’s what I’m gonna ask if you have any interesting any interest in seeing a site built from scratch and build out with the group and seeing which plugins and and how I configure things, and why and what considerations go in, and you can literally be looking over my shoulder and asking questions as I do it. If you think that’s something that you’d like to do, just put in the chat and let me know.

and we’ll take that up for consideration. And I will also send down an email to to Academy members and see if that’s something you like. So I’m not opposed to it. We just have to kind of figure out those logistics.

Good question.

This was a great question. This was the

if I would, or if I could, while I can

if I would give out the

question that hits me the most for timeliness.

This when’s it? Hands down and I change. I censor this out to protect the guilty. Hi!

I currently use beep

as my hosting company. I don’t think I like them. Support is terrible. Who do you use? Alright? So I definitely get where you’re coming from. There are really good hosts. There are really bad hosts, and a lot of times people think you know what I can. I can get hosting for $5 a month.

And what I tell people is, you know what you get what you pay for. Now, you might have a website that is up and running, and there’s no problems. But when something happens.

you’re going to get $5 a month support.

I recently a client of mind.

Let me see if I can find. I know I can find a client of ours

has hosting over on beep. It’s a

relatively inexpensive hosting platform. and I’ll say, is it rhymes with ghost hater?

And we’ll just we’ll call it that. Not their real name that sounds like ghost hated.

And we talked about last time. Php.

So I happened to look at their site to find out what version of Php. They were running, and it was on 7.4. Now.

if you go back to the the training, you say 7.4 was deprecated, or it was end of life. It’s no longer being supported

as of. I think it was November 2022.

So a good year and a half at least, not even supported. It’s known to have security issues. It’s known to be vulnerable. Alright. So I contacted their support. I said, Hey.

I tried to upgrade it, and the only thing that’s available 7.4.

And they said, Okay, well, if you want something more, if you want something more recent, you have to upgrade your package to a Vps. And I said, that is crazy

like you’re charging them money to provide hosting. But you have old outdated, vulnerable software in the structure, in the whole architecture of the service

that’s insane.

That’s like going to a restaurant

that has old food, and they’re just gonna serve it to you.

And you don’t even know it’s old. You might get some really, really sick. or it might be blue cheese where it’s supposed to be old and moldy.

you never know. But so I had this argument with them, they said, Oh, it’ll be updated then by, you know.

we’ll have it within a month. I said, That’s not good enough. Okay, we’ll have it within a week, and so we’re probably going to be changing them anyway, long stories, short or even longer.

Who do I use? So I have a couple of companies that I use. Number one

that I use, and I’ll pop this into the chat. Let me type it out.

get, you know. Get your hosting here

in the chat

going here. So I like to use. Get your hosting here.

and this all disclosures an affiliate link, so I’ll get to have cup of coffee. Someday, if you sign up for them. This is over at Mom Webs. So you probably heard of like Godading. Well, this is mom web. This is where?

My, I literally have a server that’s there.

a dedicated server that all our clients are on. You’ve seen me log into it into the web hosting manager.

the WHM. I think the support is great the speed. The the equipment is good. II have nothing bad to say about this.

So this is where I where I have my hosting. This is what I recommend, and if somebody want doesn’t want to be on my server, I will still recommend that they

get their hosting here at momwebs.


so you can go directly to momwebs.com, or if you’re feeling generous, you can use my affiliate link, which is all right. Get your hosting here.com.


Their price is good good question. They’re, I think they’re very reasonable.


you can get a site, or you can get an account for $5 a month.

I would recommend at a minimum

to get the multiplan, which is $10 a month. So you know, think about $10 a month. get you multiple domains if you wanted.

And so you can have more than one website, the $5. And this is almost, I think it’s unlimited.

Or at least

yeah, it’s a lot. You have as many as you want. There’s lots of


40 gig depending on science site size, of course.

How much storage you need, and that sort of thing.

But a lot of comments that I put on here for $10. A month is is sufficient, they don’t have any problem

and I believe if you order for a year, you you get a free month.

let’s just say, just put something in transfer into now we register.

oh, we’re gonna transfer. The domain doesn’t matter. I’m just trying to get through this.

Yeah. So let’s just do this just type in some stuff.

Oh, it knows it’s not a real site to be transferred. That’s interesting. And so it’s let’s register. See what happens with this.

and so that they can register domain.

Okay, here we go. This is what I wanted to get to $10 a month. Yeah, if you go annually, you get a free month.

little bit of saving. If you go quarterly, you save a dollar. but it doesn’t seem like interesting a whole lot. But then, again, you’re not paying a lot.

So what do II pay?

I pay more than

a hundred 10. This is a hundred 10 for a year. I pay more than this for a month, but that’s because I have my own get. I could go to their facility and point to a box and say, This is mine. Nobody else can use it, and those are all on my

my sites for clients work. So you don’t need what I have. That’s for sure. That’s why I say, get the $10 plan. Or you really just have one website. Get the $5 planned?


hope that answered that question.

Okay, I think we sort of talked about this redirect the domain. So this made me laugh long time. Listener first time caller. Well, welcome thanks for for checking in. I bought a new domain name for a product I’m creating.

Is it better to create a whole new website for it where someone said I should redirect it? And if I say, redirect it. Can you explain what that means?

Certainly. Okay.

so this happens a lot. People will buy. You have a website. Then you make your first prod and say, Okay, now, I want to start to promote this. So what people will do is they will register a domain name specifically for that

And let me see, I think I have something like this that I never implemented.

I did perfect.

This is what happens when you buy domain names because you get a whim, you go. I gotta have it. Okay.

So this is a good example. So I created

long time ago.

or I was going to create a course

called Plugins for profits. and it was going to go through and talk about and teach people which plugins you should have on your website

to become more profitable. It’s going back years and years. So I registered plugins for profit.

And if I look at it now, you can see

it’s registered. But it’s just kind of sitting.

So what do I do? I could.

you know, create entire new website called Plugins for profits, install WordPress, create a sales page for it. Talk about all the great things, have testimonials.

have videos on there. I can even host the course over there right? Maybe it’s protected content.

I could use a membership Plugin. I can use something like wish list, member or restrict content pro or membership pro I all kinds of different things.

And then I can have a complete website dedicated strictly to plugins for profit.

And just like you would think

so. That’s one thing that you can do. Now the pros and cons of this.

Okay. First of all.

pro the cons, the the Downside is, I now would have a second website that I have to make sure is I have to maintain it. I have to make sure everything’s updated. I have to make sure everything’s backed up. I have to make sure it’s up and running, especially if it’s supporting my course. I need right? You need to do all of those things little things like I have to make sure I renew, renew this domain name every year.

or register for 5 years, or 10 years, or whatever right that has a cost, that we’re gonna have that cost, regardless of what solution use. But

let’s just say I got that. I have the $5 hosting plan for Mom went.

Well, I need to now upgrade my hosting to multiple sites because I only had one website, my main website, right? Maybe it was digital Maestro that was on the $5 hosting plan.

Well, now, if I want this one, I’m gonna have to have 2 domain names hosted.

Therefore I need to increase the hosting. So there is a cost to that as well.

Alright. The good thing about it is, it’s

it’s separate, it’s distinct. I have a domain name. And I have a website dedicated to that. In this case, Plugin for profits. If I ever decided, I wanna sell this course and not just the course. But sell this as a business to somebody I can say, Hey, I have a complete website. I have members. I have the content. All you have to do is, buy this from me and market it, and now it’s yours.

So you make the sales. You keep the money. and it’s nice and easy to take that and sell it off. So that’s a good thing

that would be if

what was the question.

Better create a new website for? Or someone said I should redirect. So those are all the good reasons where the reason why you should or should not have your own website. For

the alternative to this is.

we can redirect it.

And what does that mean? Well, I can say anytime somebody goes to Plugin for profits. Com. I could promote this new course. Well, maybe I go over to

digital Maestro. right?


let’s just see.

let’s look on digital mystical. So I’m going to use that sneaky little trick in Google, I’m going to say site SITE. Colon. Then my domain name could be any domain name. And then the

word Plugins.

So this asks Google, it says, Hey, search, or give me the results for every page that you have index for the domain name that I put after here. In this case, digital maestro.com. So search everything that’s index for digital maestro.com and tell me all the pages that have this word on it.



So I have apparently a hundred 90 results, or 190 pages that has the words plugins on it


make sense to me based on all the things that I’ve done

and I’m written about. So I’m just gonna pick

this old, old old

plugin from 2013

or plugin. This page is probably blog post.


yeah. So this is nice and old. But we’re gonna use this. Let’s say that I

change this. So I’m gonna come in here. I’m gonna edit this. and let’s just use our imagination says you know what

this is going to be a sales page

for a course. So I’m just going to say. Sign up now for the

plugins. What is it? Plugins for profits? Course.


And I can make this bold. I mean. technically, I’d make this a button so that people know, pay and do all kinds of stuff. Okay.

so let me update this.

And now, if we go and we take a look at that page.

Boom! Here it is. So again, let’s just imagine that this is a dedicated sales page for

this course. Hmm!

So what I can do is I can redirect plugins for profits. So let me bring this over here.

I use name cheap as my registrar. You can see a plugins for profits here. I’m going to manage this. and I’m going to set this up so that

I’m going to redirect it. Now, whoever your registrar is, it could be Godaddy, it could be host. Gator could be, I mean, there’s so many out there. It could be cloud style wherever it is. They should give you a way that you can redirect. Here we go redirect your domain

from in this case plugins for profits. Anytime somebody goes to plugins for for profits instead of going to the destination of plugins for profit, which is what most sites do right? When I go to digital maestro.com. It’s gonna bring me to digital maestro.com.

Well, in this case I’m gonna click on this. I’m gonna change this. I’m gonna delete it. And I’m gonna paste in that page that we were just looking, or that post that we were just looking at.


so I’m going to do that. and it makes you good.

Add a second one, because this is just plugins for profits.

I’m gonna add another redirect, just in case somebody goes to www. Dot

plugins for

offfet.com. I want that to also redirect to the same exact place. So check that. and I’ll check that.

So now, hypothetically or theoretically, when somebody goes to Plugin for profits.com

we are. They will end up at this other page at this other place.


Now reason why I say theoretically, is this. Now actually takes time

to propagate

and propagate means. If you think about it, there are servers all over the world. And just because I made this change right now doesn’t mean everywhere else in the world

that this will automatically take effect. It takes time to go from New Jersey.

or wherever need cheap is. We’ll just say New Jersey. It’s gotta go from New Jersey. Let’s say it’s in Florida, from New Jersey down to Delaware, down to Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina right? And all these different servers have to be updated

so we can. I can try and let’s see what happens if we go there. Now.

plugins for profits.

It’s thinking this might work well. It is taking a long time at this point. Plug in for Poppin.

you know. Maybe if I use a different browser. completely different, browsing.

just opened up

safari. Wait, I can’t. I can’t move safari over here we go. This is weird.

I can’t.

What always, because this is still screen.

This is this PIN here. Nope. thank you. Safy. Well, I just typed the wrong thing.

Don’t go here. You want

plug ends form.


plugins for

spelling is usually important

plugins for profit. Okay, so this is not. yeah. We’ll try again right before we finish up tonight. Or if not, by the next time we meet this will definitely be working, I’m sure.

Usually they say it takes 48 to 72 h

for any of those things to to be changed or to work.

So we’ll see.

So that’s what redirecting is, and the the benefits of using a redirection are going to be that you can

just have one website to maintain. So now, I just have to maintain digital Maestro document. I don’t have to worry about updates to a second website or something. So it makes it easier for the housekeeping pieces.

So hope that answers that question make sense


going twice alright. This next one is about Meta descriptions.

The question came in, this is Karen, how important is the Meta description for blog posts and

another, what does it mean. Okay, so let’s talk about what a meta description is. Anybody know what a Meta description is?

Okay? So well, we’re here. This is a good place to look at the Meta description for a blog post, or for a page, or for any anything that’s on the web. When you do a Google search.

we have all this stuff down here right? There’s little description.

This little description here is known as the Meta description. It’s a way of describing. And so we know that when we searched for updraft Plugin.

these are the results that Google sent us

or shows us. And each one of them has a little bit of an information about what it’s about. And this is important, because this is typically what people will look at. They’ll look at the title

of the page or the post.

Yeah, that sounds what I want. But then, a lot of times they look at what’s underneath it for better context and more description of where they’re gonna end up. And that’s what the men and description does

right? Or is this is the meta description. So then the question becomes. how would you set? Is that what the question was.

how important is it meant? So how important is it so? To the actual blog post itself it means nothing. It’s just extra text.

However, the impact it has


visibility, on SEO, on people. Clicking is going to be huge. So the bottom line is you should always have something in your meta description, so that people can see what it is.



I don’t even know. So this is still in development. You can see we have fake placeholder text here. So this is a good one to to go over. So let’s do this.

What? Let me see if I have any blogs written for this.

And Meta description works for pages, works for posts as well. Okay, so we have nothing here. So let me add a new post.

and I’m gonna do something. This is going to be an example of do what I say and not what I do.

I am going to.

Actually, you know, let’s do this. Let’s go to.

There’s a tool I use called


It’s A AI kind of thing I’m gonna log in.

Well, this is the I say, this is an example. Do as I say, not as I do. I’m gonna create a blog post for the restaurant.

That restaurant spotlight eating out

and I’m just going to take the results. I’m going to copy and paste it. You should never do this with AI. But in the spirit of time I’m going to do that right. A

blog post about

what to look for in a restaurant

press to.

So IC.

When going out to eat.

Hmm. and we want to make it sound informative. Okay, let’s create the content. See what we get.

Okay? So this tool gives us all kinds of. First it gives us the outline.

and then it’s gonna give us all of the.

you know, pad graph for each of those, and then even gives nothing here. Okay?

And I’m just gonna simply copy this for the moment and come here to our blog

and a new post.

And I’m simply for time. Say, can I paste this in? But we don’t need the

this outline. We could do it, use something with it, but something that posts this up here choosing the right restaurant what to look for.

and then we might do things like this. Make these whoops.

and beyond.

Make this pad pen, too.

Right, you get the idea.

So I’m just gonna, stop here with this paragraph.

tip 2, etc. Now, to add the Meta description.

using WordPress the easiest way and most effective way. One of the most effective ways is to use the plugin yoast yost sel, and that is installed on this

site. It’s just not neat the queues in here.

So if I scroll down, we can see yoast SEO here. Hmm.

and we have a section down here specifically called Meta description.

Okay, so what we can do is

just takes a minute and put in the description here of oh, which we put.

Are you trying to decide

what is important when.

And I just paste this in. This is my title, and I’m gonna make this

choosing the right restaurant

and what to look for

this or lateral

tell you what you need.


so you can see the results when this gets indexed. This is what it’s going to look like

in Google and trying to decide what’s important. Right? So somebody is searching for this. And obviously I haven’t optimized this for anything. I don’t even know if this let’s save this. Let’s see what happens.

We don’t have an image. We have basically nothing on this.


so even if we try, there’s no way that this will be indexed at this point.

but we go to Google, only search form.

Choose any right restaurant what to look for.

Yeah, we’re not gonna be found yet. It’s gonna take. Take a little while for that to happen. But if it did show up. where did it go? It would look

like this. So what we put in the Meta description shows up here.


And using a an SEO plugin like yos SEO. There are other plugins SEO press rank math

all in one SEO. Each one of them will give you the option to create your Meta description. you know.

Use AI. This is a premium function, so we can’t

can’t use that, or I can’t use it, because I don’t have this the premium function.

And so

that is the many description

questions about that


Well, at this point

I am going. Say, thank you very much. Hold on just a second. I’m going to stop the recording and say thanks for coming. and a little bit of announcement for those of you that are here live.